We are fighting hunger...One Inspection At A Time!
In 2010, one in seven households in Washington struggled to provide enough food for their family. This year, the state’s budget crisis will result in the elimination or significant reductions of critical services that help struggling families meet their basic needs, like keeping food on the table.
WIN Home Inspection Tacoma & South Sound is committed to helping those members in our community who are in need...
During the months of October & November, WIN Tacoma&South Sound are donating $10 from EACH Home Inspection to Northwest Harvest...PLUS...Each customer who donates a bag of non-perishable food items at the time of inspection will receive $20 off the inspection fee!!!
Help us Fill the WIN vans...
All three of our WIN vans will be dropping off the donations during the 11th Annual KING 5 Home Team Harvest on Saturday, December 3rd at one of their Puget Sound locations!
Northwest Harvest can feed a family of three a nutritious meal for 67 cents with 93% of their total operating budget going directly toward food distribution in Washington. They are Washington’s own statewide hunger relief agency and their mission is to provide nutritious food to hungry people statewide in a manner that respects their dignity, while fighting to eliminate hunger.
Their vision is ample nutritious food is available to everyone in Washington State. Northwest Harvest is committed to nutrition and is the state's first food bank distribution center to focus on fresh produce. Northwest Harvest has decades of experience in promoting healthy eating while reducing hunger.
For other ways you can help fight hunger in Washington State please visit www.northwestharvest.org